Pekka - Cooperative Miilu

- E-Commerce Manager
- Graduated in 2015
- Cooperative Miilu
“My starting points at BusinessAcademy differed a bit from those of the others, because I already had experience on entrepreneurship and working life. I felt that BusinessAcademy was the right place for me, as there I got to combine interesting work with learning. Sitting at lectures is not for me. I was one of the driving forces in my cooperative and doing projects was educational.
Our Academy enterprise implemented all kinds of projects. One of the most memorable projects was Kodu programming school and other, versatile cooperation projects with Microsoft. The most important goal of the project was to adopt and develop the IT skills required in postgraduate education and working life.
The most valuable thing about BusinessAcademy was however creating networks, and their importance cannot be emphasized too much. By being visible with your own activities and competence you can stand out from the other bachelors of business administration. That’s how I got my current job!
Instructions for BusinessAcademy students:
- Don’t ask anyone what you can do, just do it.
- Leave the office, go meet people and network.
- Don’t apologize for being a student – utilize your status.
- Don’t put too low a price on your work, try to be the best!”